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Twitter fatigue? Cull is the cure

Today is the first day of the rest of my Twitter life.  I have just culled 500+ profiles from my ‘Following’ list. And it feels amazing!

Too many Twitter followersMy twitter account (@CatYoungLtd) has been in existence for 5 years. Over that time I’ve used it to follow industry commentators, customers, suppliers, brand names, news providers, local groups, councils, bands, comedians, friends and even a couple of ‘talking’ animals.  The usual stuff really: a bit from all areas of my life.

Trouble is, it had got a bit out of hand, and I hadn’t noticed. I’d log in to Twitter and glaze over when looking at my newsfeed.  With over 1000 people posting updates, a lot of which is inane or irrelevant to me, slowly but surely my enthusiasm for Twitter had waned.

Also, close allies reproached me for not retweeting or responding to their updates.  My stock response to which was, “Sorry, I didn’t see it. You’ve got to understand I follow a lot of people”.

I’d thought about culling before but had been worried that I might miss out on something of vital importance.  In my Twitter training I’d even say “pish” at the idea of unfollowing and advise my delegates to use lists instead.

I’ve changed my mind.  Now that I’ve done a mass unfollow I feel liberated. When I look at my newsfeed I’m interested in EVERYTHING that I see. I’m excited and engaged again. The updates from my close followers are now visible. I’ve sorted the wheat from the chaff.

Here is my amazingly simple process for you to follow:

Go to your Following list and look at each one and ask yourself these 3 simple questions:

  1. Do I know them personally?
  2. Can I remember reading (and enjoying/finding useful) a Tweet from this person?
  3. Is there REALLY benefit TO ME in following them?

If I answered No to ANY of these questions then unfollow them.
If you’re not sure, can’t remember, need to look them up, then unfollow them as they’re clearly not important in your life right now.

Remember, be ruthless!

As for the fear of missing out.  I’m sure that anyone significant to you will pop up again – through a retweet, via a DM or in person.  So, you can right any wrongs at a later date.

Have a go and see what it does to refuel your enthusiasm for Twitter!
Then let me know how you’ve got on.