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Government’s ISP Filtering will fail

Why the government’s ISP Filtering policy is flawed

In July 2013, the UK Government announced plans to enforce a ‘family-friendly’ filter across cameron2Internet Service Providers (ISPs), with the aim of presenting children from inadvertently seeing pornographic images or content.  Our trusted partners, ICUK, have written this white paper in order to outline some of the issues surrounding the Default-On filters and why they are honourable but impractical.

White Paper ISPs and Default On Filters for Home Internet Use September 2013

ICUK conclude that the government’s attempt on an ISP filtering policy is weak and ill-informed. Instead they would like to see investment directed towards encouraging people to report images when they see them, emphasize the importance of parental monitoring, introducing effective education in classrooms.

What do you feel about this matter?

Source: ICUK (